ⓒ 2003 WATV
On March 25, News Maker introduced the volunteer activities of Church of God, carrying the news of the Daegu subway tragedy. News Maker is an influential weekly magazine dealing with current topics and has many readers at home and abroad.
Jeong Jae-yong, a News Maker reporter, wrote, "One month has already passed since Daegu subway tragedy occurred. On the spot, what comports the bereaved families is the love of the volunteers. Day and night, they serve whether it's cold or rainy. From them, the families feel the warm-hearted love The volunteers, too, must be tired, but they always comfort the families with smile."
The reporter cited the word of Hwang Soon-ho, a member of the Bereaved Family Committee, "Many condolers visit us and it's very fortunate that they can have meals here. Our committee might have suffer difficulties without the Church of God volunteers."
And he added, "Among the voluntary groups, the largest one is the camp of Church of God. They provide about 3000 free servings a day. Day and night, they offer meals and snacks in 4 shifts. Until now, it has cost sixty million won only in purchasing materials for meals. They've appropriated their own church donations for it." Thus, News Maker reported the actual service and its scale in detail.
Besides, the Daegu Shinmun and the Daegu Local Newspaper also reported the wholehearted service of the Church of God volunteers. Their devotional volunteer activities give a good example to other Christians and the Busan citizens.
[Around the volunteer's camp] "We Could Save Our Faces Thanks to You." 1
One day, a camera reporter of KBS took pictures of the volunteers. He filmed their meal preparing and serving scenes. At that time, a volunteer asked, "Why are you covering our service? Here are many other volunteer groups." He said, "It's only your camp that does true voluntary service. Yesterday I had meals here; I didn't know why, but I felt at ease. So today I came out to cover your story. On March 19, 7:10 a.m., your volunteer activities will run on the program 'Morning of the World.' Even the volunteers of other groups have meals at your camp, don't they?" he added.
Among the volunteers, there are counselors. Most of them are university professors. Some of them had meals at the Church of God camp and returned at the next meal time with all other members. "This camp is wondrous. They have a certain power. Aren't they the very angels?" During the meal time, their praise didn't stop. Actually, it't not a big camp; the cooks are common wives, not professional. Maybe, what satisfied them was their wholeheartedness and sincerity.

ⓒ 2003 WATV
Among the volunteers, there are some from other religious organizations. One of them said, "We are only four, but we are not of one accord. How can you several tens be united like that? They asked the secret again and again. To them, the volunteers couldn't give any other word than this"Love truly."
One volunteer went to the market in volunteer uniform vest, reading, "Church of God." When she said she wanted a crab, the merchant who was looking at her attentively gave her two crabs more. But what encouraged her more was his word, " Church of God's reputation is known to every merchant here. You'll be blessed."
Some religious leaders from Christianity visited the Church of God camp after making a call of condolence. As a volunteer served them with smile, one Catholic priest quietly said, "Today, we could save our faces thanks to you." He didn't say any more, but the volunteers could read his mind. After saying that, he continued to eat.
One Catholic, who was taking meal, suddenly asked a volunteer of Church of God, "Who on earth do you think will enter heaven firstly?" Then the volunteer said, smiling, "Only God knows, doesn't He?" Then, he said, "They may be you."
A deacon of the Presbyterian church, who was moved by the voluntary service of Church of God, visited the church and watched PR video, "We Love You," and said repeatedly, "Every church must be like this Church of God."