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The Sacred Assembly of the Day of Pentecost 2013

  • Quốc gia |
  • Ngày | 19/5/2013
ⓒ 2013 WATV
On Sunday, May 19, the Sacred Assembly of the Day of Pentecost was celebrated by the Church of God all around the world. The members asked for the latter rain of the Holy Spirit in this age, commemorating the work of the former rain of the Holy Spirit, which was done in the time of the early Church. The members, who had been asking for the blessing of the Holy Spirit in the early morning and evening for 10 days through the prayer week which started from the Ascension Day, gathered together reverently and gave praise and honor to God.

ⓒ 2013 WATV
On the Day of Pentecost, Mother gave thanks to God the Father for granting the blessing of the feast, and asked Him to accept the prayers of the children and pour down upon them the Holy Spirit which is seven times stronger than that in the time of early Church when 3,000 or 5,000 people were saved in a day, so that the gospel of the new covenant can be preached to the whole world. Mother also blessed the members to reveal the glory of God and find many gospel workers who will bear abundant fruit by keeping the fire of the Holy Spirit after the Day of Pentecost, so that all will become the gospel workers of the new covenant who lead many to righteousness, and enter heaven together.

General Pastor Kim Joo-cheol explained about the origin and the meaning of the Day of Pentecost through his sermon. The Day of Pentecost, whose name in the Old Testament is the Feast of Weeks, originated from the day when Moses went up to Mount Sinai to receive the first Ten Commandments. According to the regulations of the feasts in the Old Testament, on the Feast of Weeks, which is the next day of the seventh Sabbath [the 50th day] after the Day of Firstfruits, they gave a new grain offering to God. This is a shadow of the things to come in the New Testament times. This prophecy was fulfilled as Jesus Christ was resurrected on the Day of Firstfruits, and on the 50th day after the Resurrection Day he entered the Most Holy Place in heaven and poured down the Holy Spirit upon His disciples (cf. Lev 23:15-18; Ac 2:1-47).

The Holy Spirit searches all things, even the deep things [secrets] of God, so He teaches the way of eternal life to humankind (1 Co 2:10-11; Isa 54:13; Jn 6:45). Pastor Kim Joo-cheol pointed out that the saints, who were taught by God and received the Holy Spirit, realized Christ the Savior and preached Him to the whole world. And he emphasized, “In this age, the members who have received the Holy Spirit should reveal the glory of Heavenly Mother who was testified by God the Father Himself to the whole world.” To his request for testifying about Mother to all nations through the Day of Pentecost, all members answered “Amen” in unison.

As the service of the Day of Pentecost was finished, Mother complimented the members on their efforts to keep the feast and encouraged them, saying, “Today, you all have received the Holy Spirit! Please use the Holy Spirit that you have received for preaching the gospel.” Mother also said, “Since you prayed eagerly, if you preach diligently, people around you will pay attention to the word and in the end they will listen. There are many troubles in the world and many people feel frustrated. I want you to give hope to people who are living without any hope, and lead them to Zion where God dwells, so that you will enter heaven together and shine like stars in heaven forever.”

The members gained the new strength of the Holy Spirit through Mother’s blessing and encouragement, and made their determination to preach the good news of salvation to the whole world by doing more holy and good deeds and preaching the gospel boldly as “God’s temple where God’s Spirit lives in” (1 Co 3:16-17).
ⓒ 2013 WATV

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