ⓒ 2016 WATV
On December 13, 2016, General Pastor Kim Joo-cheol made a speech to the effect that the Church of God would help the world with the United Nations, having Mother’s mind, at the UN headquarters in New York, U.S.
The speech was made at the High-Level Conference on the Central Emergency Response Fund [CERF]. The CERF is s a humanitarian fund established by the UN to provide humanitarian assistance to those affected by natural disasters and armed conflicts. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon opened the conference with a speech, and Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator Stephen O’Brien presided over the event. About 200 people such as the representatives of member states, entities of the UN, NGOs, foundations and private sectors, and observers were present.
Invited by the UN, Pastor Kim Joo-cheol participated in it as a representative of the Church of God. After briefly introducing the Church of God that it believes in God the Father and God the Mother and keeps the truth of the new covenant, he explained that all the Church of God’s humanitarian activities such as environmental cleanups, food aid, and emergency disaster response teams originated from the heart of Mother. He expressed the church’s will to continually support the CERF and wish to work with other entities of the UN to help people and nations in need in the future.
According to the UN officials, the Church of God is the first church to be invited to the CERF’s High-Level Conference. The representative of the Church of God was invited to the conference, which was attended by representatives of nations and UN entities, thanks to the church members’ extensive relief efforts and volunteer services. The UN highly appreciated the Church of God that has actively extended a helping hand such as making a donation to the UN to help Haiti earthquake victims in 2010 and supporting relief efforts in Nepal hit by a great earthquake in 2015 and in Haiti struck by Hurricane Matthew in 2016. Last November, Chief of the CERF Secretariat Lisa Doughten sent a congratulatory video message to the charity orchestra concert held in the Church of God in Denver, U.S., to help hurricane victims in Haiti: to help hurricane victims in Haiti: “I congratulate the World Mission Society Church of God for its constant efforts to promote unity and friendship among people in the world beyond nationality, race, religion, and socioeconomic status, by carrying out various initiatives including disaster relief and community support.”
“In the New Year, the members of the Church of God will get even busier all around the world helping seven billion people as Good Samaritans, following the teachings of God the Father and God the Mother,” Pastor Kim Joo-cheol said when he returned to Korea after finishing the schedule.

ⓒ 2016 WATV