ⓒ 2019 WATV
Jesus’ ascension forty days after His resurrection was the starting point of the early Church’s revival. The saints who observed the power of Jesus’ ascension and resurrection became stronger in faith, and began to preach the gospel in earnest to the Gentiles after receiving the Holy Spirit.
According to Jesus’ command, “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation” (Mk 16:15), the Church of God members, who are carrying out the movement to preach to seven billion people, celebrated the Ascension Day (May 30) and participated in the Sacred Assembly of the Day of Pentecost (June 9).
Ascension Day Service: upholding Jesus’ command, “Be My witnesses”During the Ascension Day Service at the New Jerusalem Pangyo Temple, Mother thanked Father for giving us the living hope for resurrection and ascension, and wanted all Zion members to fulfill the prophecy which Jesus gave before He ascended, “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” (Ac 1:8). Taking the example of the early Church that was granted the Holy Spirit of the Pentecost when they prayed in one place after Jesus’ Ascension, Mother said, “Since nothing can come out without prayer, let us ask for the Holy Spirit with all our heart, believing that Father will surely answer us.”
General Pastor Kim Joo-cheol encouraged the members to ask for the power of the Holy Spirit to preach to all mankind as the witnesses of Christ, and added that “just like Enoch and Elijah who accompanied God with God-pleasing faith, those who walk with Father and Mother, who are the most pleased with saving souls, can receive the glory of resurrection and ascension.” He asked them to have the right faith to be blessed (Lk 24:47–53; Heb 11:5; Mt 28:18–20; 1 Co 9:16–17; 1 Th 2:3–4).
The members asked for the power of the Holy Spirit from that day evening until the Day of Pentecost, in the morning and in the evening for ten days.

ⓒ 2019 WATV
The Day of Pentecost: the work of the Holy Spirit poured on the Church of God“When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. . . . All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit” (Ac 2:1–4).
On the Day of Pentecost, Mother prayed for the Holy Spirit to be poured upon the members who had prayed from the Ascension Day to the Day of Pentecost with one heart. “Preaching to seven billion people is difficult with the power of men, but when we receive the Holy Spirit, nothing is impossible. Let’s have confidence that God who pours out Holy Spirit is our Father, and deliver the message of salvation to all people who are thirsty for the water of life,” said Mother.
“Two thousand years ago and today as well, God pours out the Holy Spirit upon the Church of God that He established and granted the new covenant to. The role of the church and the saints who have received the Holy Spirit is to enlighten the world on behalf of God and lead them to repentance, the way of salvation. Just as the saints of the early Church, who received the Holy Spirit, didn’t keep silent but boldly preached and led three thousand or five thousand people to God, in this age the one who practices the resolution to preach in Samaria and to the end of the earth will experience the work of the Holy Spirit,” said General Pastor Kim Joo-cheol, encouraging the members to accelerate the movement of preaching to seven billion people (Ac 2:41; Eze 3:16–17; Ps 19:1–4; Isa 60:1–8; Ac 1:12–15).

ⓒ 2019 WATV